Output-Based Pricing System Proceeds Fund

The second intake of the Output-Based Pricing System Proceeds Fund – Decarbonization Incentive Program closed as of October 12, 2023, at 5:00 PM (ET). The program is not accepting new applications at this time. Thank you for your interest in the Decarbonization Incentive Program

The Output-Based Pricing System (OBPS) Proceeds Fund is an Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) program funded from the proceeds of the federal Output-Based Pricing System. The Government of Canada has committed to return proceeds collected from the OBPS to the jurisdictions of origin. Provinces and territories that have voluntarily adopted the OBPS can opt for a direct transfer of proceeds collected. Proceeds collected in other backstop jurisdictions (current or past) will be returned through the two program streams of the OBPS Proceeds Fund.

Decarbonization Incentive Program

The Decarbonization Incentive Program (DIP) stream is a merit-based program that incentivizes the long-term decarbonization of Canada’s industrial sectors by supporting clean technology projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Proceeds collected from federal OBPS non-electricity generating facilities will be returned to the jurisdictions of origin to support decarbonization projects via DIP through a merit-based application process.

A new intake (DIP 2.0 intake) will open on July 24, 2023 at 9:00 am (EDT) and close on September 29, 2023 at 5:00 pm (EDT). For more information on how to apply, see program details.

Future Electricity Fund

The Future Electricity Fund (FEF) stream is designed to support clean electricity projects and/or programs. Proceeds collected from federal OBPS-covered electricity-generating facilities (i.e. utilities) will be returned through funding agreements between Environment and Climate Change Canada and the governments of eligible jurisdictions (or other designated third parties within the jurisdictions of origin) to fund eligible clean electricity projects and/or programs. As such, an open call for project proposals is not anticipated under FEF.

Funding Available

The following tables show the estimated proceeds collected from the federal OBPS for 2019, 2020, and 2021 (totals may not sum due to rounding). Estimated available funding (in millions) represents the proceeds available per jurisdictionand are subject to change.

Decarbonization Incentive Program - Proceeds for 2019, 2020 and 2021
Province Estimated Funding Available (in millions) for 2019 Estimated Funding Available (in millions) for 2020 Estimated Funding Available (in millions) for 2021
Manitoba $5.1 $6.9 $8.3
New Brunswick $2.7 $3.0 -
Ontario $68.1 $98.8 $90.3
Saskatchewan* $6.9 $6.4 $10.4

*As of July 2023, the DIP funding stream will no longer be available within Saskatchewan. The Government of Canada will ensure that all unallocated proceeds are returned to the province of Saskatchewan in support of decarbonization initiatives.

Future Electricity Fund - Proceeds for 2019, 2020 and 2021
Province Estimated Funding Available (in millions) for 2019 Estimated Funding Available (in millions) for 2020 Estimated Funding Available (in millions) for 2021
Manitoba $0.3 $0.2 $0.5
New Brunswick $5.9 $14.2 -
Ontario $17.2 $20.3 $18.0
Saskatchewan* $56.3 $84.9 163.2

Please note that we are only able to report our most accurate estimates of proceeds collected and reported for any given compliance year. Amounts per year may change due to factors such as compliance adjustments. 

News Releases
Date Title
2024-07-15 Pollution pricing at work: re-investing $2.2 million into new low-carbon cement in Ontario
2024-05-10 Canada cuts carbon pollution with funding for Glencore Canada Corporation project
2024-03-11 Helping New Brunswickers reduce energy costs, cut pollution
2023-07-13 Government of Canada supporting Ontario universities with funding to reduce pollution to achieve environmental success
2023-05-12 Canada sparks progress on clean electricity with federal funding in Saskatchewan
2022-02-14 Canada launches new fund to reinvest proceeds from carbon pollution pricing system and reduce industrial greenhouse gas emissions

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